BFA Film Making

Courses taught in Film Making in select filmmaking institutes across India entail the study of the process that goes into making a film or a motion picture. Students having enrolled into these courses are trained on the different stages of filmmaking that range from initiating a story, idea or commission to screenwriting, casting, shooting, sound recording and reproduction, editing and screening the finished product before an audience. They are extensively made familiar to the different stages of filming which are development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. They are trained to create ideas, write screenplays, prepare for shoots, finalize the cast and crew of the film, select locations, build sets, record raw elements for the shooting of the film, choose appropriate images and sound and other visual effects and subsequently distribute the finished film and screen it across cinemas and also release to home video.

Scope of Film Making in India and Abroad

  • There are plenty of jobs for aspiring filmmakers with leading production houses in various capacities.

  • They can become freelancers and direct their own documentaries and serials.

  • Some of the positions that are up for the grabs include Production Coordinator Camera Trainee Editing Trainee Visual Effects Producer Cinematographer Storyboard Editor Assistant Director Junior Artiste