Indian Christian Theology & Missiology

Christian Theology is a discipline that seeks to reflect and interpret God’s revelation in Jesus Christ and this interpretation is based on and for the faith community. It tries to determine truth and this message of truth is conveyed through symbols because the adherents’ understanding is based on symbols available in their life situation. In other words theology cannot be detached from the life situation of the community even though it is the reflection of God.

Christianity in India is as old as Christianity itself but it was only when the Hindu reformers debated and presented Jesus Christ in their own perspective that Christians started to respond and this evolved in developing Indian Christian Theologies. In India it is not Christian theology but Christian Theologies because theology in India is a complex endeavor involving variety of activities and it represents broad spectrum of traditions, e.g. the multi religious context challenges theology to reflect on the meaning and message of Jesus based on religious thought; the philosophical approaches require theology to articulate itself based on Advaita, bhakti, various margas; the socio-political awareness consider theology as a means to transform theology; the political dimensions of theological articulation challenges theology to act for nation building etc.

The Bachelor of Missiology degree programme is one of the theological programmes offered by the Senate of Serampore College (University). The B.Miss Degree course is designed to equip persons for essential functions and ministries of the Church as he/she engages in the mission of Jesus Christ in the Indian/Asian context. It is an integrative study programme, making use of Biblical, Theological, Pastoral, Missiological, Religious, Cultural, Social, Linguistic and Communication Approaches, for preparing workers for the mission of God. The course seeks to facilitate the personal, spiritual, academic, and missional formation of students. The programme is intended to instil and cultivate good moral values and life-style in the lives of the students. Character building is also an essential part of theological education. The degree programme attempts to inculcate a sense of commitment and integrity in the students. The B.Miss degree programme is a missionary training programme for the social and spiritual transformation of individual and society. Objectives (i) To develop a mature understanding of the Bible and Christian Faith; (ii) To impart a holistic understanding of the concept and practice of Mission; (iii) To discern God’s Mission in the contemporary context and to responsibly commit one’s life to work for the same. (iv) To equip students for effective leadership in God’s mission by exposing to different missionary situations.