Placement Cell

The Institute helps each student in exploring placement opportunities by inviting various companies for campus recruitment of students who are in the final year of the programme and are likely to graduate at the end of the academic year.Placement cell undertakes various activities of training and grooming of students in terms of conducting mock interviews, GD sessions, resume writing workshops, HR meeting etc.

Training Internship Program (TIP)

The Training Internship Preplacement (TIP) is a unique programme developed by our HRD cell to give the students expertise and exposure for excellence. A student at icampus has already begun his professional career through this programme and is well equipped to face the dynamics of challenging business environment.

To fulfill that vision, TIP will:

  • Work as a medium for the industry interface for students.
  • Hand on experience for the students and job testing for employers
  • Provide insight to employers surrounding the benefits and rewards that originate from employing them
  • Solidify beneficial and lasting employment relationships between the interns and employer creating career advancement opportunities

TIP is:

  • An avenue to introduce well trained individuals to potential employers.
  • A tool developed to bridge the existing gap between business communities and trainees.
  • A system for providing on the job training and hand on experience for students to make them employment ready

Who Are Our Interns?

Our interns are job-ready individuals who are well trained. Most interns bring with them previous work experience and are re-entering the workforce with their present experience.Our interns have been trained on case study basis which enable them to work independently and perform their assigned tasks. Additionally, interns have attended workshops and career seminars specifically designed to prepare them for the necessary adjustments related to their entrance into the workforce.

Our interns possess a positive attitude, good work ethic and are highly motivated. They are eager to demonstrate their ability to make a significant and personal contribution to the organization.

Our interns possess a positive attitude, good work ethic and are highly motivated. They are eager to demonstrate their ability to make a significant and personal contribution within our community.

Our interns have been trained in the areas of:

  • Customer Service
  • Administrative Support
  • HR Services
  • Marketing Operations
  • Applied & Specialised Areas
  • General Office Clerk Duties

Some interns hold professional diploma in areas such as Accounting, Logistics, Hotel and Hospitality, Fashion Designing, Human Resources and Computer Applications.

Employer Benefits

The Training Internship Program (TIP) is provided at no cost to the employer or Training Source Site (TSS). The employer, or TSS, is not responsible for wages, benefits or placement fees. They are not obligated to hire the TIP intern at the conclusion of the internship. The TIP program time frame is seven weeks. During this period, the employer, or TSS, has an opportunity to make assessments of the intern in the following areas:

  • Productivity
  • Professionalism
  • Independence
  • Attitude
  • Performance
  • Attendance
  • Reliability
  • Environmental adjustment
  • Ability to work with others

MIPS will provide a TIP Staffing Specialist to assist the trainees during the seven week program. Any assistive devices required for the intern to perform their job will be provided through TIP.

How to Participate Independence is Our Vision

Your participation in MIPS Training Internship Program is welcome. Any business or organization may participate. Companies, businesses and organizations have the opportunity to allow TIP interns to contribute to their current workforce. Follow these easy steps:

Contact MIPS Careers and Assistive Technology Services Department at 8448443359:

1.     Identify and describe your company, business or organization.

2.     Schedule a date for the TIP staffing specialist to visit your location for a company profile and assessment of available positions.

3.     Designate an individual as the contact person who will review resumes of prospective candidates.

4.     Schedule a meeting and/or interview with prospective candidates and your TIP staffing specialist.

5.     Select your TIP intern candidate and arrange for a start date.

Any employer, regardless of the size or nature of their business, is able to participate. There is no cost to the employer. District, State and Federal Governments are encouraged to join TIP, as well as the private business sector.